Thursday, May 21, 2015

Guest Bloggers - Candace and Alexis

Alexis and I are so excited to be taking a leap of faith in going on this mission to Grenada. For us it has been great to complete service within our own community. It has been rewarding seeing the direct impact within Maryville. However, we feel its time to expand our horizons and undertake a challenge that could not only better the Grenada community but challenge us in our faith. We want to thank the community for their support in donations, time, and prayer. This support does not go unnoticed and we are so eager for this challenge surrounded by great people!!!

Candace and Alexis 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Panic aka Realization

I have to admit, today I had a moment of panic as I realized there are just a few short weeks left until we really do this. I visited with the Catholic Heart Workcamp person assigned to our group, and he gave me lots of specific details. It wouldn't be so chaotic if not for the fact that I'm taking 23 middle school youth to Camp Savio in Atchison, KS in the days leading up to Grenada. I tried for a brief moment this morning to send my Camp Savio room assignments to my Grenada contact to get our dorms lined out! 

I was reviewing deadlines and details for both events, trying to get them all lined out for the coming days. I kept looking for more days on the calendar, but they just aren't there! Only 3 full weekends remain (right?) until all this preparation is set in motion. Say a little prayer for me today to keep it all straight!

In all reality, I am beyond excited and blessed to be part of it all. 

I found out today that our groups in Grenada will be intermixed with several local Grenada youth. I'm so excited to learn about their culture and share my faith with them. I have often prayed that I can have the compassion to share love with others.

Monday, May 18, 2015


Grenada, Granada...what's the difference? Oh, about 4,000 miles!

While GrAnada is located in Spain, and has the same vowels sounds as the Ramada, GrEnada is the southernmost Caribbean island, and is pronounced Gree-nay-da. Although I admit, I prounounce it Greh-hay-da, like grenade with a duh on the end!

As funny as it is to joke, there are true stories, some quite recent, of people who have ended up on a plane going to the wrong one. Rest assured, I double and triple checked that Maryville Travel has us booked to the right destination, so to avoid a lawsuit or getting myself fired!

Click on the map to enlarge.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

T-Minus 27 Days and Counting

The time is fast approaching for our mission trip to Grenada. It has been a long year of preparations, but our hard work has paid off, and is so worth it! We are beyond blessed by the support of so many, including our parish family, our community, and our own family and friends.

Even though we will only be serving for one week out of the country, it is the beginning of an immersion experience. When we live on someone else’s turf and walk in someone else’s shoes, we can become vulnerable and maybe even uncomfortable. It then is no longer about us or the things we came to do. It is about connecting with strangers, listening to their stories, understanding their culture and tasting their food. It is through this amazing process we uphold the dignity of others. We leave different knowing new friends who are no longer strangers.

We are super excited about this life-changing experience, and look forward to sharing it with all of you. Feel free to share this blog with others.

WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW? We have all our shots to keep us safe, including tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis A. We're packing our safety glasses and work clothes, along with items to donate to the people we are serving. Flights are booked and last minute details are being ironed out. Keep the prayers coming!