Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Panic aka Realization

I have to admit, today I had a moment of panic as I realized there are just a few short weeks left until we really do this. I visited with the Catholic Heart Workcamp person assigned to our group, and he gave me lots of specific details. It wouldn't be so chaotic if not for the fact that I'm taking 23 middle school youth to Camp Savio in Atchison, KS in the days leading up to Grenada. I tried for a brief moment this morning to send my Camp Savio room assignments to my Grenada contact to get our dorms lined out! 

I was reviewing deadlines and details for both events, trying to get them all lined out for the coming days. I kept looking for more days on the calendar, but they just aren't there! Only 3 full weekends remain (right?) until all this preparation is set in motion. Say a little prayer for me today to keep it all straight!

In all reality, I am beyond excited and blessed to be part of it all. 

I found out today that our groups in Grenada will be intermixed with several local Grenada youth. I'm so excited to learn about their culture and share my faith with them. I have often prayed that I can have the compassion to share love with others.

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